Roxie Rhoades

Roxie the curious Boxer

In Loving Memory: Roxie Rhoades

Roxie was a spayed, female Boxer that my wife and I adopted. Rox had been rescued by one of my sister-in-law’s fellow Veterinary Medicine Students who could not keep her long term. We weren’t certain we were really ready for a dog, but Amanda met her at Emily's and instantly fell in love with her. Roxie had that effect on people: She was an energitic go-getter who was always ready to run, goof off, or meet new people. Rox also had the most unique personality of any dog I have ever met. She passed January 12, 2010.

Rescue: Adopting a Dog

Dogs make really bad gifts: They require a huge commitment of time, energy, effort, and love. You can't just give a dog food and water and ignore it. Dogs are very social and you need to spend time with yours every day: At least two walks each day, a half an hour of play which should include basic obedience, and some social time with the whole family are the bare minimum. Like people, they become attached to their family members. When someone gets tired of a dog and gives it away, the dog frequently becomes quite depressed. Imagine how you would react if your entire family abandoned you. Even the fortunate dogs who find a new home are never quite the same.

So think long and hard before getting a dog. And never give a dog as a surprise gift: The person for whom the dog is intended should meet the animal, to make sure they are a good match and that they are up to the task. Puppies are cute, but they grow out of that. Many "problem" dogs are under-disciplined as pups: Puppy antics from a full grow dog are annoying if not dangerous. If you want a dog, and don't know if you are up to the challenge of raising a pup, try adopting an adult dog. Local breeders, rescue groups, or shelters are a good place to start looking.

As you've probably noticed, I am a huge fan of dogs. This page is my effort to contribute to their welfare.

Thanks for taking a look,
Jay Rhoades

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